

X-Oration Club, XIME Bangalore

X-Oration is XIME Bangalore’s Communication Club. We hold various workshops, events, and other student engagement activities. These activities are designed to help them improve their communication and presentation skills, boost their confidence, and shape their overall personality.

We conducted events like FLIP SIDE, where we gave the participants a scenario and they had to speak. This boosted their ability to present spontaneously, OPEN MIC, where the participants enhanced their oratory abilities through telling tales, singing songs, and delivering poetry, or GAME NIGHT, where individuals could come and play games which helped them in team building.

Apart from the aforementioned, we constantly engage our students on Instagram by posting Business Idioms and our most recent addition - the “Humans of XIME” series.


Instagram: https://instagram.com/xoration.xime?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/xoration-xime


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