Alumni Association

XIME has an active alumni association having around 3000 members. They contribute to the institute in multiple ways:

  • Training students for GD/PI during placement season
  • Recruiting from the campus
  • Guest lectures
  • Helps during admissions to interview candidates
  • Helps students network with different industry bodies/associations
  • Financial contribution towards infrastructure expansion -have sponsored two classrooms.

Mr. Nanjappa S : Senior VP - HR Infosys

President of the Alumni Association

Ms. Usha Chirayil : Director - HR Reflections Info Systems

Vice President of the Association

Mr. Neethesh Thomas : AVP - HR Sonata Software

Secretary of the Association

Mr. Sujit Shetty : Head - Retail Operations HDFC

Treasurer of the Association


Hey! I am Niaa... Your Admission Assistant.