Publications by Faculty Members

Publications by Faculty Members


Publications by Faculty Members

2024 - 25

 Scopus & ABDC Indexed Publications – 18

ABDC Indexed Publications - 08

  • Dakshinamurthy, T., Sankar, M., & Jose, E. M. K. (2024). Developing the Inclusive and Sustainable Innovation Index (ISII): A novel framework for evaluating innovation practices on inclusiveness and sustainability. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), 2138–2144 http://eelet.org.uk  (ABDC- C Category)
  • T. Dakshina Murthy. (2024). Forecasting electricity consumption trends in India using ARIMA-based regression analysis: A focus on historical lags. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, Volume(Issue), pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52783/jier.v4i3.1763 (ABDC- C Category)
  • Subha, K., & Shalini, P. (2024). Branding in cultural industries: An integrated intellectual structure and future research directions. Korea Review of International Studies, 17(59). https://kristudies.org/ ISSN: 1226-4741 (ABDC -C)
  • Subha, K., & Meena Rani, N. (Aarthi R., & Ishvari Bhaavesh Madeka). (2025). Unraveling the impact of digital technologies on team dynamics and employee job performance in IT sector. Academy of MarketingStudiesJournal,29(1). https://www.abacademies.org/journals/academy-of-marketing-studies-journal-home.html (ABDC- B)
  • Rajkumar. S, Jain, S., & Sarkar, T. (2024). Cryptocurrency's dark side: Uncovering its role in money laundering and illicit transactions. Empirical Economics Letters, 23(Special Issue 1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13620284 (ABDC -C)
  • Subha.K, Roshni James, Singh, V., Mahajan, S., & Sengupta, M. (2024). Perception of glass ceiling among management executives: A myth or reality. Empirical Economics Letters, 23(2). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14558843 (ABDC -C)
  • Mukund, Vincent, V. (2024). Creating an effective e-waste management framework for India: Insights from Germany and China using radar chart. European Economic Letters, 14(4). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i4.2242 (ABDC -C)
  • Mahesh, M. V. (2024). Transformation effectiveness: Mode of learning at select B-schools during COVID. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.52783/jier.v4i1.706 (ABDC-C)

UGC CARE list - 11

  • Dr. CMA Alagesan, M. V., Krishnan, V. B., Dakshinamurthy, K., & Shreesha, R. (2024). The fuel economics: A comparative study of fuel pricing policy of coalition and non-coalition regimes in India. Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics, XVIII, December, 2024. https://rbu.ac.in/home/page/112 (Listed in UGC CARE list)
  • Bhatta, N. M. K., Kumar, C., & Akkapeddi, B. (2024). A qualitative study to understand the factors impacting rural livelihood initiatives: Select companies in India. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 18(3), 102-115. ISSN: 2229-5348. https://xime.org/jme/php/journal.php?bookid=36type=0 (Indexed in UGC Care list)
  • Bhatta, N. M. K., & Jacob, G. (2024). Factors influencing self-reliance in defense capabilities of India: A systematic literature review. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 18(3). ISSN: 2229-5348 https://xime.org/jme/php/journal.php?bookid=36type=0 (Indexed in UGC Care list)
  • Bhatta, N. M. K., & Koshy, F. (2024). Pilot study analysis: Influence of customer reviews on online hotel booking intentions of Indian consumers. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 18(3).ISSN:2229-5348 https://xime.org/jme/php/journal.php?bookid=36type=0 (Indexed in UGC Care list)
  • Subha, K., Sengupta, T., & Shivam. (2024). Use of humour, celebrity endorsement, and emotional appeal in advertising and its impact on consumers' purchase decisions in FMCG products. Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship, 18(1), 29–40. https://xime.org/jme/php/journaldload.php?id=211&bkid=34  (Indexed in UGC Care list )
  • Merzada, M. M., & Rajkumar, S. (2024). Economic empowerment of women in Islamic countries: A systematic review of literature. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management, 18, 1–14. https://xime.org/jme/php/journaldload.php?id=209&bkid=34 (Indexed in UGC Care list)
  • Bhatta, N. M. K., Meghashree, D., & Jayaram, N. (2024). Analysis of influence of institutional support for motivating and incubating entrepreneurial ventures: A pilot study. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 18(1), 15–28. https://xime.org/jme/php/journaldload.php?id=210&bkid=34 (Indexed in UGC Care list)
  • Bhatta, N. M. K., & Johnson, J. M. (2024). Paradigms of online learning process and development of a conceptual model: A systematic literature review. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 18(1), 118–136. https://xime.org/jme/php/journaldload.php?id=218&bkid=34 (Indexed in UGC Care list)
  • Bhatta, N. M. K., & Johnson, J. M. (2024). Analysis of the effectuality of online teaching-learning process: A pilot study. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 18(2), 116–131. https://xime.org/jme/php/journaldload.php?id=231&bkid=35 (Indexed in UGC Care list)
  • Bhatta, N. M. K., & Koshy, F. (2024). Investigating the factors influencing the intention to book a hotel online—the moderating role of pricing: A systematic review of the literature and development of the conceptual model. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 18(2),79–90. https://xime.org/jme/php/journaldload.php?id=228&bkid=35 (Indexed in UGC Care list)

Google scholar – 02

Book Published in Lambert - 01



2021 – 22

  1. Dr S Kumaraperumal, Dr M Pradeepa, Dr M Nellaiappan, (2021), Educational Industry Challenges during COVID 19 and the role of ICT, Elementary Education Online, Volume 20, Issue 5.
  2. Dr Puneet Kumar, (2021), Risk optimization Analytics: A Case Study on Brown Research Associates India, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, Volume 12, Issue 2.
  3. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, Surbhi Sanvi, Shreya Mitra, (2021), Analysis of HR Professionals’ Readiness towards Shifting Agile Workforce and Technology, Journal of Chengdu University of Technology, Volume 26, Issue 8.
  4. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, Abinaya RA, Aditi Maitra, (2021), Harnessing Analytics for Future Proofing Human Resource Management, Journal of Chengdu University of Technology, Volume 26, Issue 8.
  5. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, Archana Srikumar, Arya MK, (2021), Green Human Resource Management Practices for Environment-Friendly Organizations: Future-Proofing Human Resource Management, Journal of Chengdu University of Technology, Volume 26, Issue 8.
  6. Lavanya KV, (2021), A Study on Dividend Policy and its Impact on Stock Prices of selected Companies With Reference To BSE Sensex 100, PalArch Journal of Archaeology of Egypt, Volume 18, Issue 9.
  7. Sanjana Ray, Shashank, Dr.Roshni James, (2021), Physical working Vs Remote Working: A comparitive study with reference to stress, happiness and work life balance, Journal of Chengdu university of technology, Volume 26, Issue 9.
  8. Swarnadeep Maity, Mercia Selva Malar, (2021), Impact of International Stock Market Indices on the Indian Stock Market Indices during the COVID 19 Pandemic, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Volume 18, Issue 3.
  9. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, Sanchari Chattaraj, Surbhi Kumari Gupta, (2021), Artificial Intelligence within Recruitment: Eliminating Biases in Human Resource Management, Journal of Critical Reviews, Volume 8, Issue 3.
  10. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, Komal Sinha, Karishma Sanghai, (2021), Comparative Study on HR Practices in Automotive Companies during COVID-19, Journal of Critical Reviews, Volume 8, Issue 3.
  11. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, Avinav Kumar, Badal Dey, (2021), Feasibility Study on Implementing HR Practices for Migrant Workers during Pandemics: Future-Proofing Human Resource Management, Journal of Critical Reviews, Volume 8, Issue 3.
  12. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, Pratulya Reddy, Ragini Pillai, Rashmi Singh, (2021), A Study on Work-Life Integration of GIG Workers, An Anthology of Multi-functional perspectives in Business and Management Research, Volume 1. Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=--YVGfMAAAAJ&citation_for_view=--YVGfMAAAAJ:KlAtU1dfN6UC )
  13. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, Samuka Choudhury, Sandip Dixit, Sanjali Jha, (2021), Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Work-Life Integration on Job Stress, An Anthology of Multi-functional perspectives in Business and Management Research, Volume 1. Google Scholar
    1. Purbayan Paul, Paul Anthony Luke, Saptarshi Pramanik, Dr Ramar Veluchamy, (2021), Factors of Consumer’s Choice on Online Cab Booking, An Anthology of Multi-functional perspectives in Business and Management Research, Volume 2. Google Scholar


  1. Rhitam Kalpataru, Prachi Agarwal, Sanjusha Mallareddy, Dr Ramar Veluchamy, (2021), Awareness of Salaried Employees towards Investment Portfolios, Business Research and Innovation, Volume 1. Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=--YVGfMAAAAJ&citation_for_view=--YVGfMAAAAJ:ULOm3_A8WrAC
  2. Aishwarya Gokhale, Abinash Mishra, Dr Ramar Veluchamy, (2021), Factors Influencing Purchase Decision and Consumer Behavior in Luxury Cars, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, Volume 11, Issue 7.
  3. Reema K Sans, Parvathy Rajagopal, Dr Ramar Veluchamy, (2021), The Impact of YouTube Tech Influencers on Consumer Buying Behavior of Electronic Gadgets, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  4. Rutika Gawande, Saloni Keshwani, Dr Ramar Veluchamy, (2021), Factors determining the choice of newspapers a reader buy, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  5. Rajat Gupta, Raj Sagar, Ravisankar Chowdhury, Dr Ramar Veluchamy, (2021), Impact of Social Issues in Marketing, Impact of current events on the future of business, ISBN: 978-81-950136-4-7, Journal Press India, Volume 1.
  6. Ananya Goswami, Eby Jacob, Dr. K. Subha, (2021), Impact of work from home on employees Engagement in the Indian IT Sector, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  7. Shibani Padmanjali, Soumik Sarkar, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), A Comparative study on the impact of green practices and the performance of the companies between the developed and developing nations, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  8. Rishabh Mishra, Rinkesh Kumar Jha, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), Do higher debt lead to high growth?, Sambodhi, Volume 50, Issue 6.
  9. Nikhila B Money, Nikhil S Nishanth, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), Impact of Price and service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the Indian Telecommunication sector, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  10. Chhavi Nahata, Bommana Srija, Dr Rajkumar S, (2021), The Covid-19 Moratorium: A Reprieve And Not A Waiver, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  11. Kamalavani, Manisa Singh, Dr Rajkumar S, (2021), Consumer’s Behavior & Attitude Towards 9-Ending Pricing Strategy, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  12. Gurpreet Bagnal, Kaustubh Kanungo, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), Psychological Impact Of Covid-19 And Online Learning On Higher Education (MBA/PGDM) Students In India: An Exploratory Research On Whether Genders Perceive Stress Differently?, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  13. Aishanya Nigam, Anju A.K, Dr K. Subha, (2021), Understanding Entrepreneurial Intention through the Lens of Gender, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  14. Rashi Gaikwad R, Ritu Dhiman, Dr J.Daniel Inbaraj, (2021), Analysis of factors influencing brand love of personal care product brands: An Indian context, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  15. Palaparthi Sai Harini, Rachuri Poojitha, Dr J. Daniel Inbaraj, (2021), Online Grocery Market in India: Purchase Behavior and Consumer Acceptance, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  16. N.Gopika, Naveen C Wilson, Dr K. Subha, (2021), A study on Employee Engagement in IT firms, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  17. Nitya B, Ragini Bose, Dr K.Subha, (2021), A study on the application of HR Analytics on  Talent Acquisition, Compensation and benefits and employee turnover in the Indian IT industry, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  18. Dhanyatha P D, Shalini Kumari, Dr J Daniel Inbaraj, (2021), Online Firestorm: Effect on Brand Attitude, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Volume 55, Issue 1.
  19. Ishwarya Trehan, Mammen Thomas K, Dr Rajkumar S, (2021), Job burnout and employee attrition: A Symbiotic Relationship, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Volume 55, Issue 1.
  20. Diksha Singh, Dheeraj Saboo, Dr J. Daniel Inbaraj, (2021), Comparative study on Celebrity And Athlete Endorsement, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, Volume 11, Issue 8.
  21. Vandana Easwar, Umang Bhalla, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), A comparative study of foreign portfolio investment and its effect on the stock market in India during covid-19, Dogo Rrangsang Research Journal, Volume 11, Issue 9.
  22. Sruti Niranjana S, Stuti Belwal, Dr J. Daniel Inbaraj, (2021), Capitalizing on Impulse Buying, Kala Sarovar, Volume 24, Issue 3.
  23. Indhu G, Haswini Arthiha M, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), Influence Of Gender In Entrepreneurial Intention Based On Motivational Theory, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  24. Urvashi Sharma, Utsav Yogya, Dr Daniel Inbaraj, (2021), Impact of Micro-targeting on Advertising in Social Media Platforms, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Volume 55, Issue 1.
  25. Tanya Garg, Somya Kakra, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), Is Gold a Safe Haven for Investors?, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Volume 55, Issue 1.
  26. Dr. Ramar Veluchamy, Priyanka Chowdhury, Palka Marchanda, Saumya Chauhan, (2021), Influence of Positive and Negative Emotions on Impulsive Buying Behaviour, Volume 15, Issue 2.
  27. K A Asraar Ahmed, V.S.Damodharan, Haseena T S, (2021), Travel in Rental Taxi Services Post Coronavirus – An Empirical study of travellers perception post covid-19 Lockdown in Chennai city, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  28. Martin Joshy, Mercia Selva Malar, (2021), Impact of Dividend Announcement on the Market Price of Shares, Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, Volume 15, Issue 2.
  29. Annu Jose, Dr. Trinley Paldon, (2021), A Study on the Synergy of SBI and its associates after the Merger, Kala : The Journal of Indian Art History Congress, Volume 27, Issue 1.
  30. Sumayya K P, Supriya Kumari, Dr. Trinley Paldon, (2021), Forecasting the Volume of UPI (Unified Payment Interface) Payments in India for the Year 2022, Kala : The Journal of Indian Art History Congress, Volume 27, Issue 1.
  31. Susmita Dhang, Tonmona Lo, Dr. Trinley Paldon, (2021), COVID 19: Consequence of Lockdown Announcement on the Indian Stock Market, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, Volume11, Issue 10.
  32. Siddhant Dhar, Siddharth Menon, Dr. Trinley Paldon, (2021), Service Quality Analysis for Subway, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Volume 55, Issue 1.
  33. Hitha Ajith, Ms. Keerthana, Dr. Roshni, (2021), Work-life balance of teachers, pre and during pandemic, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  34. Maitreyee Sunil Avachat, Lubna Jamal, Dr. K. Subha, (2021), Implications and Perceptions of Workforce Diversity: A Comparative Study In It And Manufacturing Firms, Sambodhi, Volume 44, Issue 1.
  35. Shriya Misra, Tanushree Sarkar, Dr. Roshni James, (2021), Employee engagement process: A study on IT industry in times of the pandemic, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, Volume11, Issue 8.
  36. Visak K Vinay, Udita Das, Dr Meenarani, (2021), Social Media Marketing Strategies of Healthcare Service Providers and Consumer Adoption, Bengal, Past and Present, Volume117, Issue 3.
  37. Aathira, Anant Krishna, Dr N. Meena Rani, (2021), Social Enterprise Marketing: An Analysis of Selected Cases in India, Quest Journals Journal of Research in Business and Management, Volume 9, Issue 5.
  38. Kiran G Mohan, Jayesh K Jayarajan, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), Intention of people towards ‘Uber’ post-Covid -19, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 6.
  39. Raj Priya, Pias Mondal, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), Understanding the intentions of students to use OTT Platforms, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Volume 8, Issue 1.
  40. Naseer Mohamed Jaffer, Amalanathan Paul, Parul Sharma, (2021), Implementation of Project Management Practices in Aerospace Manufacturing Industry - Challenges in Pandemic Times, IUJ Journal of Management, Volume 9, Issue 1.
  41. Poornashree Haridas, Rahul PR, Dr K Subha,, (2021), Impact Of Work From Home Model On The Productivity Of Employees In The It Industry, International Journal Of Innovative Research In Technology, Volume 8, Issue 2.
  42. Abhinav Sood, Akash Saxena, Dr Rajkumar S, (2021), Stock Market as a Leading Economic Indicator in the context of the Indian Economy, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 7.
  43. Aditya Kapoor, Astha Dalmia, Dr Rajkumar S, (2021), Identifying Determinants that influence the customer's choice of using payment applications, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 7.
  44. Preetisha Sanghmitra, Radhika Jayant Hatwar, Dr K. Subha, (2021), A Study On Job Stress Among IT Employees, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 7.
  45. Aravinda Kumar KS, Cherian S Cherian, Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), Gap study towards service quality in QSR Restaurants using SERVQUAL model, International Journal for Research in Engineering and Management, Volume 7, Issue 3.
  46. Lekshmi S P, Jacob Mathew, Dr J Daniel Inbaraj, (2021), The effect of humour on marketing advertisements and its impact in customer experience, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, Volume 58, Issue 8.
  47. Mayank Pratap Singh, Manvi Mathur, Dr K. Subha, (2021), Customer Buying Behavior towards Patanjali Products, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 7.
  48. Manisha Tyagi, Krishna Chanchal, Dr Rajkumar S, (2021), Investment Pattern of Youth in India, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, Volume 5, Issue 8.
  49. Jigyasa Luthra, Harshit Sharma, Dr Rajkumar S, (2021), An analysis of investor’s perception towards different financial avenues in the city: Delhi and Jaipur, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 8.
  50. Mrinal Pandey, Midhun Mohan, Dr K.Subha, (2021), A Study On Customer Perception Towards Purchase Intention Of Electric Cars In India, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 8.
  51. Harsh Garg, Sankara Narayanan Murugaraj, Dr Rajkumar S, (2021), The Effect of Inflation in Stock Market Returns, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 8.
  52. Rajeev Aman, Riddhima Srivastava, Dr. J Daniel Imbaraj, (2021), Key to capture customer’s attention: You Tube as an advertising platform, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 9.
  53. Pradeeksha N, Parvathy Krishnan, Dr K A Asraar Ahmed, (2021), Effects and impact of the adoption of E-recruitment sites for job-seeking, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 9.
  54. K Sunny Kumar, Ishita Mehrotra, Dr K A Asraar Ahmed, (2021), Determinants of digital/mobile payment services adoption in India, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 7.
  55. Subhram Kr Sandilya, Unnati Bisht, Dr Meenarani, (2021), A Study on Impulsive Buying Behavior of Consumers with Reference to Big Bazaar Outlets In Bangalore India, Business Studies Journal, Volume 13, Issue 3.
  56. Suman Vineet, Savadam Venkata Swetha, Dr Meenarani, (2021), The Advent of Virtual Reality in the Future of E-Commerce, Business Studies Journal, Volume 13, Issue 3.
  57. Vasundhara Prakash, Santanu Roy, Dr. Roshni James, (2021), Sexual harassment at workplace, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods, Volume 9, Issue 7.
  58. Chandni Gupta, Ms. Chandni P. D, Dr. Roshni James, (2021), A study on stress and coping mechanisms among dual career couples, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 8.
  59. Ema Francis, Era Bhatia, Dr Meenarani, (2021), The Influence of Impulse Buying Behavior in Consumer Purchase Decisions, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 10.
  60. Shristi, Pooja Sunki, Dr. K. Subha, (2021), Discerning The Factors Influencing The Performance of its Employees and The Role of Job Satisfaction as The Mediator, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 8.
  61. Pooja Agarwal, Riya Agarwal, Priyanshu Mishra, Dr Ramar Veluchamy, (2021), Influence of consumer behaviour towards online shopping, Impact of current events on the future of business, ISBN: 978-81-950136-4-7, Journal Press India, Volume 1.
  62. Yash Mehrotra and N. Meena Rani, (2021), A Study on Lead Generation through Digital Platforms in Pandemic Era with Respect to Financial Services Industry, Innovations in SCM, Publishing India Group, Volume 1.
  63. Ananay Garg, Debarun Dutta, Dr Rajkumar, (2021), Impact of Covid On The Automobile Sector In India, Journal of Chengdu University of Technology, Volume 26, Issue 10.
  64. Shashank Cinthray, Dr Roshni, (2021), Physical working Vs Remote Working: A comparitive study with reference to stress, happiness and work life balance, Volume 26, Issue 9.
  65. John Goldwin S, Karkala Anirudh Prabhu, Dr Asraar Ahmed, (2021), Impact of social media on the purchase intention in the apparel industry, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 7.
  66. Dr Meena Rani, (2021), Ethical Issues in Advertising, Business Studies Journal, Volume 13, Issue 4.
  67. K A Asraar Ahmed, (2021), Antecedents of Travel intention in rental taxi services post coronavirus-19 lockdown, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Volume 20, Issue 4.
  68. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, Rhea R Menon, Sanket Sahu, Sarmistha Roy, (2021), Effect of Cashless Transactions on Consumer Behaviour, International Management Research Review, Volume 18, Issue 2.
  69. Navkar Jain, Prateek, Dr Trinley, (2021), Investing in Stock Market directly or through a Fund is Experience an Indicator, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, Volume 11, Issue 11.
  70. Sakshi Badaya, Praval Jain, Dr Trinley, (2021), Consumer’s preference on India’s best Telecom Network “Airtel vs Jio”, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, Volume 11, Issue 11.

2020 – 21

1.   Prof. N. M. K. Bhatta, Dr Deepak Chandrashekar, (2020), Do Green Initiatives Make Business Sense? The Indian Case, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management.

2.   Dr N Meenarani, Divya Nair, (2020), Affective Priming Technique in Advertising - An Empirical study regarding Fast Moving Consumer Goods Sector, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal.

3.  Mehraj Ud Din Bhat, Prof. Naseer Mohamed Jaffer, (2020), Personal Selling and Online Media: Correlation to Consumer Technology, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.

4.   S Kumaraperumal, (2020), Adaptive Filtering and Artificial Intelligence Methods on Fetal ECG Extraction, Journal of critical Reviews.

5.  Divya Nair, Dr N Meenarani, (2020), A Review of Prominent Models of Team Roles and Conceptualizing a New Model, Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews.

6. Prof. Rajendra Desai, (2020), Prediction of Visual Inventory using Store Display, Channel, and Product Variables, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.

7. Dr N.Meenarani, Gurudath N, (2021), Purchase Intention of Electric Vehicles: An Empirical Study in Bangalore, Paalarch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology.

8. Dr Roshni James, (2021), Phenomenological study of women entrepreneurs, Psychology and education.

9. Dr N M K Bhatta, Mini Sherino, (2021), A renewed path for skilling in IT/ITeS Sector for transition to the new normal, Psychology and Education.

10.  Shivani Kapoor, Dr N. Meenarani, (2021), Antecedents and consequences of brand Equity - A Conceptual model for the services sector, Academy of Strategic Management Journal.

11. Dr Trinley Paldon, (2021), Assessing the Causality and Co-movements among the Nifty Largecap, Midcap and Smallcap Indices: A new Affirmation, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

12. Dr K. Subha, (2021), Nurse Assertiveness on PTM and CSF Factors with Exceptional Position to Potential Skill Development in Multi-Specialty Hospitals, Elementary Education Online.

13. Prof. N M K Bhatta, Mini Sherino, (2021), Pursuing Growth in Developing countries through Community Capacity Building – An innovative approach towards Skills development, Elementary Education Online.

14. Dr N M K Bhatta, MiniSherino, (2020), Disruption to the Skills Ecosystem of India in the Wake of the New Normal Emerging Post ‘COVID-19’, Engineering/ AIJR Preprints.

15.  Menon Sindhu R, Dr Jaffer Naseer Mohamed, (2020), Does Size Matter in Choice of Hospitals? An Empirical Study in Kerala, RVIM Journal of Management Research.

16. Dr Trinley Paldon, (2020), Do the Stock Indices follow a Random Walk and a Set Pattern, Journal of Accounting Research, Business and Finance Management.

17.  Rekhapriyadharshini, Dr P David Jawahar, Dr K.A. Asraar Ahmed, (2020), Effect of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Mediating Role of Organizational Learning Culture, LBS Journal of Management and Research.

18.  Sindhu R. Menon, Dr Naseer Mohamed Jaffer, (2020), Sustainability strategies of Small Hospitals in Kerala in times of COVID 19 Pandemic and Heightened competition, IUJ Journal of Management.

19. Dr Meena Rani, Bharadwaj Kaithapalli, Ankita Sinha, Apurva Mittal, (2021), Does branding influence consumers preference of restaurants, Business Studies Journal.

20. Dr NM Jaffer, Akansha Poptani, (2020), Environmental Protests and Corporate Governance Challenges, Shodh Sanchar.

21. Dr KA Asraar Ahmed, (2021), Travel in rental taxi services post coronavirus - An empirical study of travellers perception post - covid-19, Lockdown in Chennai City, Sambodhi.

22. Dr. K. Subha, (2020), Work from Home and Job Satisfaction in Pandemic Covid-19 Situation with Reference to Information Technology Employees, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews.

23. Dr N. Meenarani, Komal R Doshi, (2021), Digital Marketing Communication in FMCG Industry– A Case of Kaya Youth, Marico Industries Limited, India, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology.

24.  Prof Ramesh Ranjan, (2020), Artificial Intelligence & HR Management, The Journal of Management Research.

32. Dr Jaffer Naseer Mohamed, (2020), The Best Demonetization Black Money Can Buy,   Omega Book World - Publishers.

33. Dr Ramar Veluchamy, (2020), The Secret Psychology to become a Student Superstar, Notion Press / Kindle

2019 - 20

  1. Dr P. Amalanathan, P Srinivasan, (2019), Impact of foreign aid on economic growth and poverty alleviation in India, Empirical Economics Letters.
  2. Dr N Meena Rani, (2019), Expectations and perceptions regarding management education: An assessment of students in Bengaluru, India, South Asian Journal of Management.
  3. M. H. Bala Subrahmanya, H. S. Krishna, Chandrashekar, Deepak, (2019), Technology Business Incubation for Start-Up Generation: A Literature Review towards a Conceptual Framework, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research.
  4. Padmavati Koride, (2019), A Comparison of Borrowing and Default behaviour between Men and Women, Studies in Microeconomics.
  5. Joshi, K. A., Chandrashekar, D., Brem, A. and Momaya, K. S., (2019), Foreign Venture Capital Firms in a Cross-Border Context: Empirical Insights from India, Sustainability.
  6. Deepak Chandrashekar, MH Bala Subrahmanya, (2019), Effect of Innovation on Firm Performance - The case of a Technology Intensive Manufacturing Cluster in India, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management.
  7. Dr NM Jaffer, Ms Agnus Baby, Ms Rashmi Shetty, Mehraj Bhat, (2019), Entrepreneurship Challenges in Behavioral Economics Perspectives - Some Insights, Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems.
  8. Dr NM Jaffer, Dr P Amalanathan, Divya Nair and Imon Chakraborty, (2020), Climate Change Management-some insights from a recent debate, TEST Engineering and Management.
  9. Dr Meena Rani, (2020), Let’s Drive Along- Carpooling: Congestion to Convenience (Case), International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.
  10. Dr Naseer Jaffer, Vaishnavi Narendra, Divya Nair, (2019), Conflict Management and Workers Conditions in context of contributions of Gandhi, Braverman and Graeber, Adalya Journal.
  11. Dr N M Jaffer and Dr Amalanathan, (2019), Insight into Corporate Social Opportunity of Skill Development Projects, IUJ Journal of Management.
  12. Dr NM Jaffer, Aashi Garg, (2019), Labour Market Challenges and the National Education Policy, IUJ Journal of Management.
  13. Srinivas Bandi, Purnima Gupta, (2019), Performance of Mutual Funds in Indian Context, Delhi Business Review.
  14. Dr N Meena Rani, (2019), A study on consumer perception regarding buying fresh produce in organised retail stores in Bangalore, India - Do demographics matter ?, Theoretical Economics Letters.
  15. Dr Naseer Jaffer, Sindhu R Menon, Agnus Baby, (2019), Is the great decoupling happening in the healthcare sector in the context of 4.0?, International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research.
  16. Dr N Meena Rani, Shivani Manchanda, Sonam Mahnani, Tanveer S Shekawat, (2019), A Study on Consumer Preference and Perception regarding Snack Products with Specific Reference to Haldirams, Think India Journal.
  17. Dr Bhavani Akkapeddi, Dr N Meena Rani, (2019), Admission Fiasco-A case of leading B-school in South India, Think India Journal.
  18. Dr N. Meenarani, (2020), Millennials and Buying Patterns, Studies in Indian Place-Names.
  19. Dr Naseer Mohamed Jaffer, Mehraj Ud Din Bhat, (2020), Effectiveness of Digital Marketing on consumer purchase decision - Some insights from Bangalore based Consumers, Parishodh Journal.
  20. Dr Jaffer Naseer Mohamed, MehrajUd Din Bhat, (2020), Understanding Online Consumer Behaviour through Common Approaches, Parishodh Journal.
  21. Dr N Meena Rani, (2019), Organised Retail of fresh produce; Association between Purchase value frequency and perception, RJMSS, Singapore based Journal.
  22. Muralidhar Deshpande, Dr NM Bhatta, (2020), A conceptual study of the application of Machine Learning Algorithms in IT project, Shanlax International Journal of Management.
  23. Prof. J.Philip, (2019), The Evolution of IIMB: Director’s Perspectives - Interview with Prof. J Philip, IIM-B.




2018 - 19

  1. Kajari Mukherjee, Prof. NMK Bhatta, (2018), Bridging Urban-Rural Divide: SBI Youth for India Model, Journal of International Business Education.
  2. Prof NMK Bhatta, Kartik Modi, Harshal Lowalekar, (2018), Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management the Theory of Constraints way: A Case Study, International Journal of Production Research.
  3. Prashant Salwan, Prof. NMK Bhatta, (2019), International Banking: SBI Osaka Experience, Journal of International Business Education.
  4. Prof NMK Bhatta, (2018), Innovation in State-Owned Enterprises, International Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability.
  5. Dr N M Jaffer, Dr Amalanathan, (2018), A Neo-Liberal Golden Trap in India- Some Insights, International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering.
  6. Prof Avil Saldanaha, Prof Rajendra Desai, (2019), A Study of Calendar Effect on Stocks in the BSE Sensex, International Journal of Management Studies.
  7. Dr Selvam Jesiah, R Kumara Kannan, (2018), Co-Integration among the Stock Markets of BRICS Economies, Journal of Contemporary Research in Management.
  8. Dr Selvam Jesiah, R Kumara Kannan, (2018), Whether any co-integration exists among four Asian Tiger Economies and Indian Stock Market, Social science international research network.
  9. Dr Selvam Jesiah, R Kumara Kannan, (2018), Whether Change in Government in India has any role in the Co-integration of Developed Economics and Indian Stock Market?, Sumedha Journal of Management.
  10. Prof Ragesh, Puneet Kumar, (2018), Survey Optimization Analytics- A case study on Young Aid Research Associates, Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences.
  11. Prof Chetan Chitre, (2018), Trade and Culture: A Literature Review, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering.
  12. Prof Ragesh, Puneet Kumar, (2018), Multi-period scheduling Analytics- A Case study on Nice-Opera Telecom Enterprise, International journal of research and analytical reviews.
  13. Prof Chetan Chitre, (2018), Exchange Rate Disconnect Puzzle: A Literature Review, International Journal of Management and Social Science.
  14. Dr N. Meena Rani, Karthikeyan A C, (2019), Executive Compensation- Issues, Emerald’s Management Journal.
  15. Dr Sangeetha, Dr Ramadevi, (2019), Assessing the role of attrition in a diverse workplace environment, Journal of Management.
  16. Dr Mary Metilda, (2019), Entrepreneurship and Cognitive Biases: A review on overconfidence and illusion of control bias, International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature.
  17. Dr Meena Rani, Subhadip Chatterjee, Soumik Mondal, Saurajit Lenka, (2019), Consumer Preference regarding Cab Aggregator Services in Bangalore, International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature.
  18. Prof. NMK Bhatta, Chapter 3: Soft Systems Thinking approach to e-HRM Project Management, Chapter 4: Agile Methodology Approach to e- HRM, E-HRM: Leveraging Digital Technology to Transform HRM, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, UK.

2017 - 18

  1. Dr.P. Srinivasan, (2017), Linkage between India implied volatility index and stock index returns, Theoretical Economics Letters.
  2. Dr.P. Srinivasan, (2017), Analysis of Financial Performance of selected commercial Banks in India, Theoretical Economics Letters.
  3. Dr.P. Srinivasan, (2018), Determinants of Corporate Dividend Policy in India: A dynamic panel data analysis, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal.
  4. Dr Deepthi Shankar, (2017), Academic Entrepreneurship in India, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management.
  5. Prof. Naseer Mohammed Jaffer, Dr P.Amalnathan, (2017), Are underdeveloped countries, under managed countries, Journal of Management Research and Analysis.
  6. Dr P Amalanathan, (2017), Effect of Working Capital Management on Selected FMCG Companies in India, Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Social Science and Technology.
  7. Prof. Naseer Mohammed Jaffer Dr P.Amalnathan, (2018), Rethinking Business Management in the Era of Globalization and Technology Transformation, International Journal of Research in Management and Social Sciences.
  8. Dr N. Meena Rani, Dr KVSN Jawahar Babu, (2018), Tourism Development in Sunrise Andhra Pradesh, International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science.
  9. Dr N. Meena Rani, Pankaj Rana, (2018), Impact of Demonetization on Apparel Retailing - A View from a Retailer’s Window, IJEMR.
  10. Dr N. Meena Rani, (2018), Consumer Preference towards Purchase of Grocery Online-An Empirical Study in Bangalore, IJEMR.
  11. Prof. Naseer Mohammed Jaffer, (2017), Land Titling Questions in India: Behavioural Economics Perspective, Land Titling Questions in India.

2016 - 17

  1. Dr P. Srinivasan, (2017), Macroeconomic Information and the implied Volatility: Evidence from India VIX, Theoretical Economics Letters.

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