Grievance System

Grievance System


A student grievance is a college-related internal problem or conditions which a student believes to be unfair, inequitable, discriminatory, or a hindrance to the educational process.


This student grievance procedure is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to remedy the conditions which the student believes impede his or her education or instruction. This student grievance procedure is not designed to include changes in policy nor does it apply to grading practices.

Students who believe that they have a college-related grievance:

Should discuss it with the mentor the conditions which brought about the alleged grievance.
If the discussion does not resolve the matter to the student’s satisfaction, the student may appeal to the Dean, and if not satisfied can appeal to the Student Grievance Redressal Committee.

Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)


a. A student who wishes a grievance to be heard must submit a request in writing to the Student Grievance Redressal Committee.

b. The appeal must be heard by the committee within three (3) class days from the date of submission of grievance from the student.

c. The committee will consist of five members in which one (1) will be a Class representative, one (1) Alumnus, three (3) are faculty members, and one of the faulty member will act as the Chairman of the SGRC. The decision of the committee shall be final.

Student Grievances Redressal Committee

1.   Prof. Ashwathnarayana Sastry

2.   Dr. MV Mahesh

3.   Dr. Roshni James

4.   Dr. Rajkumar


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