Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship

Guidelines to Authors


Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship (JME) is a UGC CARE-listed journal that publishes original quality research articles. Manuscripts are welcome throughout the year, and after a double-blind review process, they will be published in subsequent issues of JME. The authors should submit their manuscripts through the JME website only. They are advised to read the submission guidelines provided below and adhere. Those can be referred to on the website as well at

Manuscripts should be submitted as two separate documents. The first document should contain the Title of the manuscript, Author(s) names, Affiliations, ORCID ID and Contact details. The second document (main document) should not include any reference to authors’ details and should include Abstract, Keywords and the JEL codes (if available) and the contents of the paper.

All manuscripts should be written in English (British) with a word count of 3500 (minimum) to 7000 words (maximum) excluding abstract, references, tables and figures. Manuscripts not meeting the word limit will be considered in special cases.

Abstract should be in a single paragraph and summarise objectives, methodology, findings and implications in 250 words maximum and include three to five keywords.

The structure of the manuscript is preferred to be in the following order. Introduction, Review of Literature, Objectives, Research Questions, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Contribution to Literature and Industry, Conclusion, Limitations, Future Scope and References. Manuscript should be in Times New Roman, formatted according to the guidelines, with the title in font size 16 bold and centered, main headings 14 bold, subheadings 12 bold and the text 12 with 1.5 spacing. The margins must be one inch (2.54 cm) on all sides.

Tables should be legible, clear and concise, Figures should be in JPEG or PNG format, black and white and of high resolution (a minimum resolution of 300 dpi). The headings of these tables and figures should be in italics and positioned on the top of the content and numbered consecutively and their source indicated under their number. For example:


Table 1

Discriminant Validity of the Measurement Model


Figure 1

Conceptual Framework of the Research Study


Appropriate numbering system should be followed for headings and subheadings i.e. for primary headings 1,2,3… and subheadings 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1. and so on.

The plagiarism should be less than 15 per cent with a 15-word setting on Turnitin tool. AI content should be less than 25 per cent checked on Turnitin.

For in-text citations and references, follow (American Psychological Association) APA 7 guidelines. Ensure all sources cited in the text are included in the reference list. Provide complete publication details including Digital Object Identifier (DOI) wherever possible.

Manuscripts submitted, published or under consideration in the Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship (JME) should not be submitted anywhere else for publication. Authors should be aware that the publisher will hold the right of publication for any article submitted to JME unless rejected.

JME does not charge any Article Publishing Charges (APC) for manuscript publication. If any person demands money for publishing articles in JME, authors must conclude that the call is from fraudsters and the journal they are referring to is fake.

JME expects patronage from authors in the form of subscribing to the Journal. At present subscription charges are Rs 1000/- for 3 years. The Subscription form is placed on the last page of this journal and on our website. Authors are requested to subscribe to the Journal and encourage the Journal.

Authors should adhere to all ethical guidelines relating to research and should disclose conflicts of interest and any research funding received.


Withdrawal of Submitted Articles

Authors may choose to withdraw the articles submitted anytime till they are tentatively accepted for publication. Requests for withdrawals are to be sent to with copy to . However, such articles should not be submitted to any other journal till approval for withdrawal is received from JME.

Desk Rejection

Articles which do not meet the above guidelines specifically the following requirements will be desk rejected.

1. Article does not fall into the scope of JME.

2. Plagiarism content on Turnitin is less than 15% and AI content is less than 25%.

3. Figures are not in Black &White with resolution less than 300 dpi.

4. Article length is less than 3500 words or more than 7000 words.

5. Intext citations and References are not in APA 7 format.

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